Who I Am


Hello my name is Carson and I have a list of ten things I do on my spare time

  1. I’ve been told I’m an excellent cook

Image result for excellent mealsImage result for familyImage result for soccer

  1. I’m considerably good at soccer.
  2. I love horror, superhero, and mythology stories.
    Image result for batmanImage result for scary clownImage result for mythology
  3. I enjoy most video gamesImage result for fortnite
  4. I love climbing treesImage result for people climbing trees
  5. My favorite food is chicken alfredoImage result for chicken alfredo
  6. My favorite movie is Hunger GamesImage result for hunger games
  7. My favorite school subject is readingImage result for books
  8. my favorite animals are dogsImage result for dogs
  9. My favorite book isImage result for percy jackson book
  10. My favorite candy is mike and ikesImage result for mike and ikes